meanderings, musings and campfire tales. Sometimes we write words about faith, love, and 90's music.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

trying to figure this out

Karl, buddy. good to see you writing again. much dialogue, and heated argument, is needed between our two schools. or maybe just friendly conversations over hot chocolate.

The thing I like about this community i live beside is the emphasis on being human. Too often i feel like "christian communities" put too much emphasis on "movings of the spirit" and less on my friend who feels lonely because his dad left at age 13.

I think that community should be more about who we are. A person can say to me "God's doing all this in my life, i used to be addicted to this and into that", which is fine... but I'd rather hear about how their day was, how they're feeling today.

When I look at a person I don't look at the years of pain, all the crap they got through. I see the finished product- who they are because of all that.

Finally, I think being human is less about trying to not make mistakes, and more about just messing up, feeling like crap some days... you know. being real.

I'm sorry about these random-o thoughts. I'm trying to pound this out before chapel. feel free to disregard, if not challenge me extensively, on anything i just said.



Karl said...

I agree, I find that a lot of the time our community is based completely around praise and worship and class time. How your essay is going or how the Holy Spirit moved you during the last theology session. Don't get me wrong, all of these are awesome and are much needed... But completely focusing on the specific topic of God can be, and is, very draining to me.

I think we should be more interested in how people are doing and whats going on in there lives at that very moment. But i also think it's very important to forgo all the formalities and climb a mountain... or go out for pizza... or a wrestling match.

I find it rather discouraging to see that a lot of the time, everyone is so focused on living a God pursuing life... and then forget to live it.

What happened to all the days where people would go riding their bikes around the neighborhood? or sneaking through the forest trying to catch a glimpse of a deer/rabbit/squirrel? They died with the fascination with lego... the day it was more cool to wear fashionable clothes than to wear what ever you wanted to. They died the moment we decided to become adults. Is it any wonder that Jesus tells us to become like children? They weren't worried about how to live life... they just lived it.

Horray for "remember the good old days?" rants.

~Nanc. said...

Hey good words both of you guys. I've been on a pilgrimage to get glimpses of what Community is and how it should look.

Can I ask where your communities are?

Karl said...

I'm currently going to school at Christ for the Nations Bible School in Langley, BC.

My community is pretty much just the 35 students and 12 faculty. Small enough to be comfortable... close enough to not be able to hide.

Adam said...

commercial drive.

and, my place. I try and have as much hang out time here as possible, rather than have this house turn into a "walk around in your boxers till 11, walking around the piles of everything trying to find something clean to wear". screw that.

come visit.

Jumo said...

Amen. In Genesis it says that God was walking in the coolness of the day looking for His friends. I'm not sure what they talked about, but I doubt is was deep and theological. Jesus was also found reclining at peoples houses, spending time with them... I don't agree with going to the other extreme just hanging out all day either and not focusing on biblical truths. I think relationship is the thing we need, and to go wherever that takes us.

* shaina * * said...

yes yes to all of you! this just made my heart so very happy :)

i think God wants us to know that it pleases him when we literally "look to him" to see how to reflect him here...yes, to walk in the garden and to live alongside one another...

it's almost christmas, and i think this is brewing up some words in me. i'll share them soon here.

in the meantime, i must unpack and anticipate the ever-so-near times we will be spending together at long last!

love to you all, brothers and sisters!

Jamison said...
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Jamison said...

Here's the way I see it.

If we try to force this deep theological talk on people, we're just going to get bogged down, and, honestly, bored of each other. There's a reason God gave us common interests, and there's a reason he made us all different. Why don't we embrace that! I think the heaviest talks I've had have come out of conversations where people were just trying to get to know each other. I think we underestimate the power of stories, and what kind of deepness we can take from them.

Then again, maybe i've drank too much wine today.

* shaina * * said...

no way! i have been thinking a lot about our humanness and just all the "pointless" or "mundane" daily things we gotta make our way through, and it's all such gloriously simple and silly stuff like little kids learning to exist, and when it comes down to it, all is reduced to love. it's so good! not to "have it together" or "be ready" or "finish"...but just to be in love with each other and our Father...

wine is good. let's do that soon. wine and stories and love :)



(c)2007. all words, pictures and things-of-the-like are copyrighted to 'just for the kingdom'. any MP3s posted on this site are for sampling purposes only. if you represent an artist featured on this site and would like a file removed, tell us.