meanderings, musings and campfire tales. Sometimes we write words about faith, love, and 90's music.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

some get made, and some get sent

I was having a conversation about "brokeback mountain" today with a couple girls in the collegium today. One of the girls told me that she refused to see it, for the obvious reasons.... its a movie about two gay cowboys. which is understandable. i would have said the same thing 5 years ago (before bible school messed me up).

and so, i made a strong case for the movie. the movie captures certain human emotions that the christian church has disregarded in the past. even the churches that are actually "talking about" this issue. somewhere in the bible it says (and i'm a loser for not knowing where it is/ likely taking it out of context) ;

"if my people don't praise me, the rocks will cry out".

this is a generalized statement but the church, for the most part, does not explore deep and painful human emotions, as much as it seeks for a constant escape from those emotions in favor of a happier life experience.

movies, music, and other facets of communication are speaking about humanity, and realizing things about being human that most "Christians" will not realize. These days God isn't just found in churches, Christian book stores, or praying everyday. God is found in the fringes, in the dark places we are afraid to talk about.

God is found in the places where we don't think He belongs. One more point- if you read the books of Paul, you won't get the sense that following Christ is easy. Its a tough go. To really follow Christ is to be human.

And I think its really humbling lesson, being that sometimes it hurts being human.


* shaina * * said...

love it. had this exact same conversation over this exact same movie a couple years back at dear ol' b'crest.

i can't wait for the day christians start reading the bible again!

Adam said...

yeah. love can be found in the place where it is explained... the bible.

sometimes the bible is the last place we (I) think to look for answers. thats lame.

graymo said...

...and then sometimes i feel like i get so far away from the bible, that it'd be silly to suddenly turn there. and besides, so often things get figured out by my own cleverness or by sheer chance...

i like the spin you've put on the rocks crying out - that with the church silent on humanity, "hollywood" is taking the microphone. i've heard it put in a different way (a Claiborne quote): that the rocks - or rockstars - will cry out. i guess they are probably related and actually quite similar, but i like your spin.



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