meanderings, musings and campfire tales. Sometimes we write words about faith, love, and 90's music.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"let's eat pez under the stars and laugh for a while"

summer plans.

so far they involve satisfiedly looking like a seventh grade slumber party crew jumped me (and just to clarify, i mean that in an Outsiders kind of way...right karl and vange? mahah)

but seriously. favorite thing about summers in small cities in southern sask = haphazard, mismatched layers of clothing to accommodate the unpredictable atmosphere that were put on when you were too lazy and stayed up too late to wake up at a responsible hour before meandering off to work. OH and i resurrected my precious old chucks from the depths the other day--it feels so good to have those back in action, and the primer layer of dirt and character is just right to start adding a whole new summer onto :)

really, i generally just leave my summers wide open. the canvas (catch the double meaning here) of my trusty shoes is the only sure thing about 'em.

the blueprint as of today looks a bit like this though:

chillin' in the 'burn...keepin' workin' at the board shop (kalen's going to work for the city so i guess i'll be the main manager...oo, ahh, big shot, working weekdays and taking weekends off, uh-huh)...mmm, abbrev'ing even more excessively than usual and using the word "brah" more frequently...probably adding a few nights a week at the ol' DQ on to the work bill for the June-August make the move out to BC in the fall! yah! adventure!

i also figure i'll spend the time/mental capacity i restricted to after-finishing-college figuring out the exact why and where of the whole BC thing. all i know so far is that i'm supposed to go there. oh yeah...i just finished college (like with a degree and everything)! how good did that feel! usually i go nazi on myself and read textbooks over summer, but this time i'm taking a break. i think i'll go to the library, find me some CS Lewis or something, take another crack at Moby Dick maybe. i also have big dreams about hanging out with my grandmas. they're a riot, and the one makes ridiculousgood vanilla-banana milkshakes. yummm. i have a boxfull of things-to-sew that i'm pretty excited about reinventing. and tons of old photos to go through. mixtapes of me & jen's old radio show to dub for her. a captain compilation video/behind-the-music special to compile for jamison. (oh yeah and a mix cd to keep anticipating receiving from him)... shoeboxes full of random worthless things that carry with them invaluable memories to sift through. all that junk a person does at this stage of life i suppose. umm oh and i spoke at a camp last summer that seemed like they might ask me back again this summer...which would be SO magical! my old pal Marv Penner apparently also recommended me to some guy who runs a camp in ontario the other day at grad who knows, maybe i'll be a travellin' preacher come summer's end.

i've also considered using this time to launch a campaign to become the next big myspace celebrity...naaaaah just kidding. my best friend kim will be home from SAIT / Europe in June, and that will no doubt lead to tons of shluffies (aka: Slurpees) and 5centers and 80s movies and making fun of this town we grew up in. vange and i would like to go camping. in a tent. my playradioplay! ep should be arriving within days. (that's right, jamison, PRP!!!!) pretty much give me uncertainty, my faithful shoes, banana flavored mojos, a shluffie, the outdoors, some special music and a friend or two and i'm a happy summer girl. (anyone else remember that LFO song??)

oh and the first and last thing i would like this summer to bring is a reacquaintance with everyone and everything i thought i knew. especially the Lord. bible college really messes a person up. but in a good way. for me at least. i think? i'll let ya know. let's go for coffee sometime. you name the time and the place. i'll be there.


Adam said...

ok, so...

my soundtracks for the summer will probably be arcade fire- funeral, and lifehouse- who we are.

and, i really have nothing else planned. at all. this summer is off to a strange start.

speaking of the fall, how soon? i have a concert planned for sep 7th (already, yes, i am a nerd). its not going to suck.

* shaina * * said...

hoorah for summer soundtracks! (my 1st official one years ago was mae's destination: good!) so far the ones i've been listening to are playradioplay! (vange gave me a pirated disc of all his old unreleased stuff for a grad gift to tide me over till my ep arrives)...annnd...sufjan's illinois (when i first heard of him, i didn't have internet and couldn't check him out..then i just put it off until i knew i would really be able to listen well and appreciate this has been my first week ever listening to it..i'm strange about music and situations. very particular. and i really like the feeling of hearing something for the first time long after everyone else..appreciating it "after its time" maybe) (this is an incredibly long comment)

so anyways, a concert you say?? i'm intrigued...this will compell me to work even harder so i can move out there asap. it will probably be late aug. early sept. if all goes well. tell me more about this concert...

Adam said...

aw! i love mae! i saw them with relient k, but they only did, like, a 5 song set. they didn't play any "destination beautiful".

try "mainstay- well meaning fiction". that is a summer soundtrack.

tracey said...

i'm going to listen to the boy least likely to, and peter bjorn & john all summer long.



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