meanderings, musings and campfire tales. Sometimes we write words about faith, love, and 90's music.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


here's how things went down.

one warm evening, while sipping iced lemonade drinks on the front porch of their quaint three bedroom rancher, karl, shaina and jamison were discussing literature. after a rousing debate over whether barth was a better writer than lewis (obvious), the three collectively (mostly shaina) decided that they too were going to throw their hats into the collective literature pool, swimming with sharks, pirhannas and a lone baby seal, who was out to get those hats. jamison, the interweb saavy one, decided that a Web Log may be the best way to get our delectable anecdotes to the starving masses. after several heated discussions over the colours, fonts, and name (karl and jamison literally fought with knives over the visited link colour; a gruesome affair), plenty of arizona ice tea and almost 35 repeated spinnings of 'bookends' by simon and garfunkel, it was decided on:

we bring some things to the table: words, wit, pictures, rock and roll songs and charming good looks.

want to contribute? we're always looking for good looking writers who can bench at least 250. if you don't meet those requirements, give us a shout anyways.

good night, tired eyes.


* shaina * * said...

i got an arizona iced tea today! the old man at the convenience store was like "okay...$11.50" to which i replied "ELEVEN FIFTY!?" and then he realized he forgot to clear a previous transaction. we exchanged some token old-guy-clever-young-lady banter and i laughed to myself as i left and the bells tinkled on the glass door.

Jamison said...

i too got an arizona iced tea today! i bought it from a small hole in the wall of a mini mall called "jay's pizza". the man that sold me the delightful drink referred to me as "buddy". for a brief moment, that man was my older brother. i then watched a story on their tv about a statue of Jesus made of chocolate, and my associate dale and i enjoyed conversation about whether the statue was offensive or not.

all in all; exciting afternoon at jay's.



(c)2007. all words, pictures and things-of-the-like are copyrighted to 'just for the kingdom'. any MP3s posted on this site are for sampling purposes only. if you represent an artist featured on this site and would like a file removed, tell us.