meanderings, musings and campfire tales. Sometimes we write words about faith, love, and 90's music.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

The lies take form into the shadow of a mannequin

I am not what I appear to be. I am not what people assume that I am. Very few people actually know me.

Don't be intrigued by some fancy words I might throw at you. In fact, you should probably doubt a majority of the things I will tell you, as I am most likely saying them to try and impress you. Deceit is one of my stronger points.

I grew up in a small town. It was great. Where everyone knew everyone else on the playground, and everyone had to play for it even to be possible to have a game. That was elementary school. Then came junior high... Those times were quite a bit different. There still wasn't really any clicks, everyone still had to be in the same group for there to even be a group. The only difference now was, the most popular people were the ones who weren't scared to make fun of someone else. These years effected me greatly(sometimes for better.. sometimes worse)

In highschool I had the opportunity to go to Caronport, which led to me going to Briercrest for a year, which led me to meet some of the coolest people on the face of the planet.

That is a very brief history of my life.. Frontier and Caronport pretty much sums it up.. geographically atleast.

I have a unhealthy obsession with being independant. I hate asking for help(although I do succumb to it at certain points) This is all a product of my parents who gave absolutely everything to there children. My dad is the hardest working guy I've ever met and my mom is the most caring(almost to the point of smothering). It's happening more and more where I realize how much I'm becoming like them.

I grew up in a Christian home with Christian parents and Christian siblings and Christian friends. I grew up in the church, I grew up in trailblazers and youth group and bible study. I grew up without God. I still feel like I'm growing up without God sometimes (insert independent struggle here) Like many others, my faith was a pin that I wore on my sleeve, if not slightly hidden beneath the other patches that were my make believe personality.

I didn't really make a personal decision for Jesus Christ to enter my life until I was 16 at Valley View Bible Camp... and even then it was still just a decision with no basis for attempt. My faith isn't something that has sprung up over night. It's a faith that has its slow ups and downs with an even slower up hill climb. I am not a good Chrisian. If you take anything away from my ramblings here, It's that, if your going to base your idea of a Christian off of me.. I beg you to reconsider. I'm not saying that I'm not trying to live more like Christ... I'm saying that I fail more times than I would like to let on. Deceit is one of my stronger points.




* shaina * * said...

ah! "the shadow of a mannequin"?!?? you're killing me, karl! i don't care if you say your fancy words and deep parallels are all got some kinda beauty in you, and iiiii like it :) i'm so glad you're writing with us. <3

Jamison said...

beautiful. i really want to meet your mother, and perhaps persuade her to bake me some cookies.



(c)2007. all words, pictures and things-of-the-like are copyrighted to 'just for the kingdom'. any MP3s posted on this site are for sampling purposes only. if you represent an artist featured on this site and would like a file removed, tell us.